Checklist of Some Rare Foreign Banknotes
YES, we absolutely buy foreign currency. It is tough for a rare banknote from a foreign country to wind up in South Carolina. 99% of rare American currency is still in The Untied States, just like the majority of rare foreign banknotes are still in their country of origin. But money does move around the world and we have certainly bought some good foreign banknotes locally over the years. Please call us or come in to get precise values. But here is a very quick guide of what could be collectible:
Foreign Currency Worth Us Looking At:
-Australia, 1940 and Older
-Canada, 1935 and Older
-China, 1930 and Older
-Hong Kong, 1954 and Older
-Trinidad and Tobago, 1950 and Older
-Bahamas, 1955 and Older
-Bermuda, 1955 and Older
-Jamaica, 1955 and Older
-Barbados, 1955 and Older
-Palestine, 1945 and Older
-Hawaii, 1900 and Older
-The Philippines, 1930 and Older
-Anything from the 1800s
-Money from Countries That No Longer Exist: Zanzibar, Sarawak, British North Borneo, Malaya, British Guiana, British East Caribbean, British Honduras
-Money from Tiny Countries: Leeward Islands, Danish West Indies, St Lucia, Turks and Caicos, Grenada
Likely Not Collectible:
-Any 1900 and Newer Mexican or South American Currency
-Hyper-Inflation Notes from Germany, Russia, or Eastern Europe
-WW2 Era Notes from Most Any Country
-Pretty Much Anything 1960 and Newer
Don’t let the above information discourage you from reaching out. It never hurts to ask. We will get you an honest answer on what your foreign currency is really worth.
Best of the Best Chinese and Australia Banknotes Below:

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